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Big Knob Fair

The Club booth at the fair is a great place to introduce the public to Honey Bees.


The fair is free to enter and has alot to offer.  


We encourage all club members new and old to help out with the booth.  It is a great opportunity to let the community know about bees our our passion to work with them.  You don't need to be a veteran beekeeper to be able to field questions from the general public.  Most questions revolve around topics that you probably already know and are able to discuss.


Check out the events page for details on this event along with a contact to sign up to work the booth for an hour or two.



Big Knob Fair booth

Since 1978, we have been active in efforts to educate local beekeepers and provide a forum where new developments in beekeeping can be discussed.  We are active in promoting knowledge of the tremendous benefits we, as a society, derive from the humble honey bee.



-Get more information on the Club
-Request a classroom presentation on Honey Bees
-Request Club participation in your upcoming event


The best way to contact us is through our contact form but you can also contact us at our email address


Regular Club meetings occur at Soergel Orchards in Wexford, PA.


Meetings begin at 7:00p.m. with Club business discussed 7 to 7:30 p.m. and education and training from 7:30 to 9 p.m.


See our Calendar for upcoming meeting dates as well as other club activities.


Want to Join the Club? – Go to our Membership page and sign up to be included in our mailing list as well as posting privileges in our Classifieds Page

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