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New Beekeepers


The Beaver Valley Area Beekeeper’s Association encourages mentoring in beekeeping management.
Interested in keeping bees? A good way to get started is attend local club meetings and events. Each meeting has an educational component to keep local beekeepers up to date on current trends in good hive management.


Another way to educate yourself is to speak to an experienced beekeeper in your area who can give you some sage advice. We believe it is important to the success of new beekeepers to have a “support network” of experienced beekeepers to help answer your questions and even do on-site visits at your bee yard.


And finally, attend a local beginner beekeeping classroom training. (Sign up here)  These are day long programs that provide you with background information on bee biology, equipment, pest management, seasonal care of your bees and much more.  Check any local bee clubs website and you will find beginner sessions mainly in the late winter and early spring.  They provide a great foundation on which to support you in caring for your honeybees.


-Join a local beekeeping club and participate in club activities and events
-Take a beginner beekeeping course. Wexford - (Sign up here) / Monroeville (Sign up here)

- Sign up for the Western PA Beekeeping Seminar (Sign up here).  
-Get a Mentor - The following members of BVABA have volunteered mentor beginner beekeepers



Since 1978, we have been active in efforts to educate local beekeepers and provide a forum where new developments in beekeeping can be discussed.  We are active in promoting knowledge of the tremendous benefits we, as a society, derive from the humble honey bee.



-Get more information on the Club
-Request a classroom presentation on Honey Bees
-Request Club participation in your upcoming event


The best way to contact us is through our contact form but you can also contact us at our email address


Regular Club meetings occur at Soergel Orchards in Wexford, PA.


Meetings begin at 7:00p.m. with Club business discussed 7 to 7:30 p.m. and education and training from 7:30 to 9 p.m.


See our Calendar for upcoming meeting dates as well as other club activities.


Want to Join the Club? – Go to our Membership page and sign up to be included in our mailing list as well as posting privileges in our Classifieds Page

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