As a member of the club, you are able to advertise on this page - We will list Packages, Nucs, Queens, Beekeeping equipment but not your old car. In order to list your ad here or make changes to exisitng ads please send the complete text as well as at least one photograph to Beavervalleybees@gmail.com.
Tom McCormack, Certified EAS Master Beekeeper based out of Aliquippa will have overwintered five frame nucleus colonies available in April of this year. Price is $180 for a nuc and you can contact Tom at 724-495-6310.
**Beaver County over-wintered five full frame nucs
**Country Barn Farm - Overwintered queen bees available April 2025 and equipment
Overwintered queen bees available in April for $50 a piece. After May 1st, overwintered queens reduced to $40 each.
Email joe@countrybarnfarm.com for more information and for current beekeeping equipment price list
**Honey So Good Apiary - Accepting Reservations for Spring 2025 nucleus (nuc’s) honey bee colonies.
Nuc’s will be sold on a first come - first serve basis. Pricing is $170 for a 5 frame nuc in eitherdeep or medium frame configuration. I am not requiring a deposit, simply a reservation. You willbe required to pay $170 at the time the order is picked up. I am willing to offer a discount onorders greater than or equal to 5 nuc’s. Payment can be handled via cash, check, PayPal, Venmo,or credit card.The colony will come in 5 frame waxed cardboard style nuc box; which contains the following 1laying queen, 3 frames with brood & eggs in various stages and 1 resource frame with some roomfor the colony to grow. The 5 th frame will depend on the colony and maybe be more resource ormore brood depending on the weather and strength of the colony. These honey bees are from ourlocal stock (PA / Ohio Valley Mutt’s if you will – which contain Italian, Carniolan, and othergenetics that bee keepers have in this region). Though we are not a selective breeder these beesare overwintered stock from this area exhibiting good overwintering characteristics.I am willing to meet folks at a reasonable distance for transferring of the nuc’s. Colonies will have received necessary state inspection prior to you being contacted to arrange pickup/meetingpoint. Anticipating availability is May through June (weather dependent).Reserve yours today by sending an email to honeysogoodapiary@gmail.com containing thefollowing (required for record keeping purposes only, we do not sell peoples information):- Your Name (first and last name)- Address- Telephone Number- Preferred Email AddressIf you need to reach out to me with questions prior to you making your reservation, please sendme an email or text/call to 724-506-0027and I will respond as quickly as I can.